Monday, January 9, 2012

Brand New

Here is my outcome for the project 'Brand New'. The brief asked us to have an in depth conversation with ourselves about whether or not there is such a thing as a completely new and original idea. I started off looking at a few things and doing some research but I felt I wasn't getting very far with this. I then came up with a better method by seeing what other people thought of this notion. So I decided to create an online survey with 3 fairly simple questions for people to respond to. 40 people answered my questionnaire with quite interesting replies. I wanted to show case all the feedback I got from the questions as they were so fascinating, so I decided to put them together on this information poster along with the two images I featured on the survey. In the centre I placed the 3rd question which simply reads: Do you think there is such a thing as a completely new and original idea? A Yes or No answer was required and 60 percent of the 40 people who answered my questionnaire said yes, they believed there is such a thing as a new idea. The first question was about Andy Warhol's 'Campbell's Soup Can' piece (1964) to see if they regarded this work as fine art or not. The second question was about a piece that I had created by copying a Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup can in the same style as Andy Warhol and I wanted to see what they thought of that too. About 50 per cent of people did see Andy Warhol's piece as fine art, which I was rather surprised at becuase I thought that most people would see him as a pioneer of the fine art world with his Pop Art inspired pieces. More than 50 per cent of people thought that my Heinz Cream of Tomato Soup Can was definitely not an original idea/piece of art work, which was a response I was expecting. I hadn't ever done an online survey before and with the use of Facebook I could send the link to the questionnaire to most of my friends; it was really quite easy to get lots of interesting responses and quickly too. I think this is definitely a method that I will use again to gather fast information on any given topic.