Monday, April 23, 2012

Impressions of London

These are my 8 postcards I made portraying my impression of London. I began my research by photographing a few places in London that I have been before. I found a piece of graffiti I liked when walking around Shoreditch that read 'Home' is a large, fancy typeface. For me, that word summed up my entire impression on London. I have only lived here for a year and a half and I have enjoyed every minute of it, and I feel so comfortable and adjusted to the fast pace London lifestyle that I do in fact feel very much at Home. The colours I have used are various hue's that portray warmth and comfort, but also a vibrancy that describes the words I have used for each postcard; these are 8 reasons why I love living in London. I think that the image I have created using the typography from the photograph now looks like a logo - a logo that represents my impression of London.

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